February 1, 2024
Let's paint your web application with CSS CSS
Cascading Style Sheets, Cascading Style Tables
is a style sheet language used for describing
and modifying the appearance of HTML elements.
HTML is used to define the structure and semantics of a document’s
content, and CSS is used to style and position it.
Base CSS Syntax
1. Inline Styles
< p style= " color:blue; font-size:24px; " > This text will be blue. </ p >
2. Embedded Style Sheets
cannot be reused on other pages and are difficult to scale and maintain.
Could be used to optimize page rendering speed. This technique is called Critical CSS
for faster rendering and painting.
< head >
< style type= " text/css " >
p {
color : blue;
font-size : 24 px ;
</ style >
</ head >
3. External style sheet
CSS code is easy to scale, maintain and reuse on other pages
also can be compressed - file.min.css
< head >
< link rel= " stylesheet " href= " ./css/styles.css " />
</ head >
Describes the type of element that the CSS rule will be applied to.
/* It applies to all paragraphs on the page */
p {
font-size : 24 px ;
/* It applies to all links on the page */
a {
text-decoration : none ;
Class Selector
This is the main selector in modern development.
The class selector is usually used with the global class attribute.
< h1 class= " title " > Hi, I’m Mango. </ h1 >
< p class= " text " >
Welcome to my personal page. Here you can see
< a class= " link " href= "" > the projects. </ a >
</ p >
/* Applies to all class tags */
.title {
font-weight : 500 ;
.text {
color : brown;
font-size : 18 px ;
.link {
text-decoration : none ;
Class Composition
An element can have multiple classes, and in this case they are written using a space.
< p class= " alert success " > Account replenishment completed </ p >
< p class= " alert warning " > Attention, the tariffs will be changed </ p >
< p class= " alert error " > Transaction Error </ p >
/* Common styles for all types of notifications */
.alert {
font-size : 24 px ;
font-weight : 500 ;
/* Specific styles for each type */
.success {
color : green;
.warning {
color : orange;
.error {
color : red;
ID selectors
byt we don’t want to use id as selectors.
The unique value rule makes it impossible to reuse styles.
ID selectors are intended to be used for “anchor” elements.
< h1 id= " title " > Page title </ h1 >
#title {
font-weight : 500 ;
color : orange;
Descendant Selector
applies styles to all elements that are descendants of a specified element at any depth of nesting
/* ❌ It applies to all links in the document */
a {
color : blue;
text-decoration : none ;
/* ✅ It applies only to links that are inside a class tag social-links */
.social-links a {
color : blue;
text-decoration : none ;
/* ✅ Specificity */
.post > .post-title {
color : orange;
.post > a .post-link {
color : brown;
/* ❌ but If nested selectors it could be difficult to read */
/* ❌ can be broken if we change the tags */
.menu ul li a {
color : blue;
text-decoration : none ;
Child Selector
allows to select ALL elements that are the direct children of a specified parent element
< ul class= " menu " >
< li ></ li >
</ ul >
.menu > li {
border : 1 px solid blue;
allows to select ANY elements that are the children of a specified parent element
.menu p {
font-size : 18 px ;
Attribute Selector
It will apply styles to all elements that have an attribute with a specified value.
a [title] {
color : teal;
/* Unusual curly brace formatting is ok */
a [href= " https://htmlreference.io " ]
color : teal;
a [href= " https://cssreference.io " ]
color : orange;
a [href= " https://www.youtube.com " ]
color : tomato;
rgb(red, green, blue )
/* Pure red: 255 red, 0 green, 0 blue */
p {
color : rgb ( 255 , 0 , 0 );
/* Pure red: 100% red, 0% green, 0% blue */
p {
color : rgb ( 100 % , 0 % , 0 % );
/* Pure red: ff (100%) red, 00 (0%) green, 00 (0%) blue */
p {
color : # ff0000 ;
/* Pure blue: 00 (0%) red, 00 (0%) green, ff (100%) blue */
p {
color : # 0000ff ;
Color transparency rgba()
rgba(red, green, blue, alpha )
/* Pure red with 30% transparency */
p {
background-color : rgba ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 0.3 );
/* Pure red with 30% transparency */
p {
background-color : rgba ( 100 % , 0 % , 0 % , 30 % );
Variable declaration
root of a tree representing the document.
root - specificity is higher the html tag
/* variable is GLOBAL */
:root {
--brand-color : # 3f51b5 ;
--white-color : # ffffff ;
--black-color : # 212121 ;
--text-color : # 757575 ;
--accent-color : # 2196f3 ;
.section {
border : 2 px solid var (--brand-color);
.section-title {
color : var (--brand-color);
.section-title::before {
background-color : var (--brand-color);
/* Fallback values - variable passed in the first argument is undefined. */
.section {
border : 2 px solid var (--brand-color, orange);
What about LOCAL SCOPE for variable ?
If the value is only used in a specific page area
we can create variables with a local scope
.alert {
--alert-text-color : black;
color : var (--alert-text-color);
.alert.success {
--alert-text-color : green;
.alert.warning {
--alert-text-color : orange;
.alert.error {
--alert-text-color : red;
Selector specificity
0-inline, 0-id, 0-class, 0-tag
we dont want to use without class names
< article >
< h1 > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet </ h1 >
< p >
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Obcaecati commodi,
veritatis nihil alias iste odit similique sit eius optio veniam, impedit
cumque fuga facere labore quo id necessitatibus quaerat rerum.
</ p >
< a href= "" > Read more... </ a >
</ article >
/* Specificity - 0 0 0 1 */
p {
color : green;
/* specificity of the second rule is higher. */
/* ✅ Specificity - 0 0 0 2 */
article > p {
color : orange;
better example with class name
< article class= " post " >
< h1 class= " post-title " id= " title " > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet </ h1 >
< p >
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Obcaecati commodi,
veritatis nihil alias iste odit similique sit eius optio veniam, impedit
cumque fuga facere labore quo id necessitatibus quaerat rerum.
</ p >
< a href= "" class= " post-link " > Read more... </ a >
</ article >
/* Specificity - 0 0 1 0 */
.post-title {
color : green;
/* Specificity - 0 0 1 1 */
.post > h1 {
color : red;
/* ✅ Specificity - 0 0 2 0 */
.post > .post-title {
color : orange;
ID specificity rule is higher
/* Specificity - 0 0 1 0 */
.post-title {
color : green;
/* ✅ Specificity - 0 1 0 0 */
#title {
color : orange;
State pseudo-class
apply styles to interactive elements
pseudo-class defines a specific state of an element and is attached to the selector
selector: pseudo-class {
/* Properties */
LINK: Color Palettes
:hover + :focus
important: we can use focus with hover effect for better accessibility
.site-nav .link:hover,
.site-nav .link:focus {
color : var (--black-color);
/* Or example with <table class="schedule"> ... */
.schedule-body > tr :hover {
background-color : tomato;
color : white;
:active, :visited
.social-links .link:active {
color : red;
.social-links .link:visited {
color : green;
all possible selectors
font-weight : 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
font-style : normal | italic | oblique | initial | inherit
font-family : 'Helvetica Neue', 'Roboto', 'Verdana', 'Tahoma', sans-serif ;
/* used to underline text and apply other effects,
use case: for links, also ca be used with p, h1, .. */
text-decoration : none | underline | line-through | overline
/* controls the characters' case */
text-transform : none | uppercase | lowercase | capitalize
/* Sets the indent value for only applies to the first line.
styling: as tab space */
text-indent : value | percent | inherit
text-align : left | right | center | justify
** "justify" - not the best practice to use
line-height : multiplier | value | percent | normal | inherit
letter-spacing : value | normal | inheri
word-spacing : value | normal | inherit
text-shadow : <X offset>, <Y offset>, <blur radius>, <color>
white-space : normal | nowrap | pre | pre-wraps
::first-letter h1 {
Don’t inherit “font-family”, “cursor” by default
button, input, select - don’t inherit “font-family”
button {
font-family : inherit ;
cursor : pointer ;
font optimization , font we can optimize by using:
LINK: Web Safe Font Stacks
LINK: cssfontstack
LINK: How to use @font-face in CSS
LINK: font-display
for the Masses, Loading in the Browser
It’s best practice to use this to avoid any conflicts with third-party libraries:
html {
box-sizing : border-box ;
* ,
* ::before,
* ::after {
box-sizing : inherit ;
Example: CSS :last-child
.site-nav {
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
display : flex ;
.site-nav__item {
margin-right : 60 px ;
.site-nav__item a :last-child {
margin-right : 0 ;
Example: :not()
.site-nav {
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
display : flex ;
// all without the last el
.site-nav__item a :not(:last-child) {
margin-right : 60 px ;
// every 3rd
.feature-list-item:not(:nth-last-child( -n + 3 )) {
margin-bottom : 60 px ;
// last row
.feature-list-item:not(:nth-child( 3n )) {
margin-right : 30 px ;